What is the meaning of Company Annual Filing?
Companies registered in India need to file an annual report with the Registrar of Companies after the closing of its books of account on 31st March every year. Every company is required to file the annual accounts and annual return as per The Companies Act, 2013 within 30 days and 60 days respectively from the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting.
Need for Company Annual Compliance:
The ROC filing of annual accounts is governed under Section 129 (3), 137, and annual return is governed under Section 92 of the Companies Act, 2013
The companies under the Companies Act 2013 are required to E-file annually the following documents with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) as follow:
Step-1: Convene the Meeting of Board of Directors of the Company for Approval of Accounts and Board’s Report:
Preparation of Board Meeting notice, agenda and convene the board meeting for approval of Annual Accounts and Board’s Report. Decide and fix up the date of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company. Issue notice of Annual General Meeting of the Company to the all the Members of the Company.
Step-2: Holding of Annual General Meeting of Members:
The next step after issue notice to all the members is to conduct the Annual General meeting of the Company and pass the necessary resolutions for approval of financial statements.
Step-3 Preparation and Filing of Forms with RoC:
The next step after conducting of AGM is to prepare and file Form AOC-4 within 30 days from the conclusion of the AGM and MGT-7 within 60 days from the conclusion of the AGM respectively.
Documents Required for Annual Filing of Company: